Range Rules and Safety Policy
To ensure all members, guests and visitors to the facility are supported with a minimum safety standard which will allow the sport of archery to be conducted in a safe and professional manner by all. Most of the safety guidelines and rules are based on common sense. It is necessary that all members read, understand and follow the Safety Policy set out by Peel County Game and Fish Protective Association, also known as Peel Archery Club.
Section 1: General Rules and Safety
If there is any safety concern all members must ensure that the board of directors are notified of the issue as soon as possible by contacting a director via telephone (phone numbers are posted on the last page of this document and on the office door) or, failing phone contact, email (info@peelarchery.ca).
Should an accident or injury occur on the club premises the persons involved must complete an incident report directed to the Secretary of the Corporation detailing
the issue within 24 hours, including:
Time of incident
All persons involved and or affected by the incident
Any damage to property
Cause of incident
Explanation of incident give as many details as possible
Individuals under the influence shall not engage in shooting activities on the premises. If there are any
questions about the use of medications or medical conditions which may impact the ability to shoot,
individuals should reach out to the Board of Directors.
All members who invite guests to the club must ensure their guests comply with all safety rules.
Members can invite the same guest up to three (3) times to the range.
Members must ensure guests are signed in and have paid the guest fee upon entering the Peel Archery Club.
Section 2: Target Range Layout
Shooting range should be clear of any unnecessary objects.
Safety zones are clearly marked on the ground and should be kept clear of any obstruction (zones are marked with red tape, no equipment or other objects should be obstructing those areas at any time).
Section 3: Shooting Safety
The shooting line must be called “CLEAR” before shooting can begin. The last shooter on the line shall call “CLEAR” when they have completed shooting.
“CLEAR” must be called loud enough for all shooters to clearly hear it.
Shooting must cease immediately if anyone crosses the shooting line before all archers have been cleared to do so. Shooting cannot commence again until all have moved back into a safe area (behind the shooting line, if able).
Person observing the safety issue must call “CEASE FIRE” loud enough for all shooters to hear. All shooters are to remove the arrow from the string, return it to a safe area, and step behind the shooting line. Crossbows must de-cock.
No one shall approach the targets until all shooting has been completed and the range has been declared “CLEAR”. The last person returning from down range (retrieving arrows or setting up targets, etc.) shall confirm that there is nobody down range and call the line “CLEAR” to commence shooting.
When shooters have completed shooting their allotted arrows, they should step behind the shooting line to indicate they have completed shooting.
Non-shooters must stay behind the (yellow) spectator line when there are people shooting on the shooting line. Club approved instructors and Coaches are exempt. The parent or legal guardian supervising their children and a Peel Archery Club member when supervising their guest(s) are also exempt.
No broadhead arrows are to be shot at club targets.
Archers must supply their own target butt for broadheads.
Shooting of broadheads is permitted only when the range is safe to do so.
There should be no more than 4 archers using the same target butts at the same time.
Bows must never be drawn back with an arrow fitted unless the bow is pointed toward the targets and the range is clear of archers. When drawing a bow, the arrow should remain parallel to the ground.
Sky drawing – drawing the bow above the targets in a manner whereby the arrow was loosened could fly in an unsafe manner (e.g., hitting the roof) – is unsafe and must not be used.
Never aim a bow (loaded or otherwise) at another person.
It is required when shooting to hear all commands given at the range - if wearing headphones one ear must remain uncovered. It is recommended not to wear any items that could impede your hearing.
Archers must be aware of their surroundings at all times while on the range.
All vehicles used on the range (e.g. skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, inline skates, bikes, etc.), must be used safely. Members are personally liable for any damages.
Arrows that fall in front of the shooting line beyond reach of the archer while shooting should only be retrieved after all clear is called.
Recurve, Compound and / or Crossbows that shoot arrows or bolts exceeding a measured speed of 405 feet per second are not allowed on the archery range.
Be careful not to disturb archers when shooting or leaving the shooting line. Avoid bumping into other archers with your equipment.
At no time shall a person cause any interference to an archer or their equipment while they are shooting.
Section 4: Equipment Safety
Archers are responsible for their equipment; it must be regularly checked and maintained. Inspect for cracked limbs and risers, frayed strings, damaged arrows and nocks. It is the archer’s responsibility to ensure their equipment is safe to be used. Archers are responsible for inspecting their equipment every time they come to the range.
Never dry fire a bow. (i.e. firing a bow without and arrow attached to the string)
Section 5: Emergency Procedures
Emergency Binder
Location of the binder
Between the First Aid kit and the AED device on the north wall of the range next
to the office area door.
How to get to the Brampton Civic Hospital
Take a copy of insert inside front cover
How to get to this location
Take a copy of insert inside front cover
Incident Reporting forms
Take copy from insert in rear cover
Location of the First Aid Kit
On north wall of Range to the left of the office door
Location of the Telephone
On wall between the members entrance / exit and north wall at the rear of the range. Above the table.
All Incident Reports MUST be forwarded to the PEEL ARCHERY CLUB SECRETARY within 24 hours!