3D League Night

3D League Night

Don't miss your chance to be part of the excitement as we continue our 2024 3D League Night. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a casual archer looking for a fun night out, everyone is welcome to join in the festivities. So grab your bow, gather your friends, and join us for an epic night of 3D archery. It's an event you won't want to miss.

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POSTPONED - Target League Finals!

Peel Archery Target League Finals

Format: Canadian 300 Round at 18m with 40cm targets (3 spot or full).

We will start warming up at 7pm and scoring at 7:30. After the round, archers will shoot in a head-to-head match elimination format. Usually we are all wrapped up by 10:30 or so.

This is for fun and all archers are encouraged to come out. If you're not a member of the club, but would like to attend the league night, please reach out to the organizer before signing up.

Sign up link:

Register Now

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AGM - 2pm

Peel County Game and Fish Protective Association will be hosting its Annual General Meeting On March 7th Following an attempt on Feb 11 that failed to reach Quorum.

Please plan to attend to receive an update of the club, vote for the 2020 board, and various issues.

The Range will close at 1:30 and be closed until the AGM concludes.

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Power maintainence,

Alectra will be coming by the club between ~9:30am and ~11am Feb 11th to change a power meter head. This will cause the club to lose power and the range will be closed while the work is completed. Be advised you may not be able to shoot for part or all of this period.

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Anual General Meeting & Range Closure

January 20, 2020 

NOTICE of the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM)  of
The Peel County Game and Fish Protective Association
(“Peel County”)
This meeting will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020 at 11 am at 107 Nuggett Court, Brampton, Ontario.



  • President’s Report

  •  Review the minutes of the 2019 annual general meeting 

  • Accept the 2017 and 2018 Notice to Reader financial statements

  • Review of 2019 balance sheet

  • Appoint and pay an auditor unless an extraordinary resolution is passed not to appoint an auditor and to not have an audit in respect of the corporation’s 2019 financial year if the corporation has annual revenue in said financial year of no more than $100,000 (allowed as per section 130.1 of the Provincial Corporations Act)

  • Ratify the Actions of the Board of Directors for 2019

  • Elect the 2020 directors of the Peel County Game and Fish Protective Association.

To be eligible to vote at this AGM, please note you must be a paid-up member in good standing for 2020 as well as having been a member for more than one year.
Regards, John Wulff, Secretary of Peel County Game and Fish Protective Association

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Peel Archery Target League Night #10

Peel Archery Target League Night #10

Format: 300 FITA Round at 18m with 40cm targets (3 spot or full).

We will start warming up at 7pm and scoring at 7:30. After the round, archers will shoot in a head-to-head match elimination format. Usually we are all wrapped up by 10:30 or so.

The league night event is for fun and all archers are encouraged to sign up.

If you're not a member of the club, but would like to come to the league night, please reach out to the organizer before signing up.

Sign up ahead of time online on Eventbrite

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to Feb 2

AC DEV & ID Training Camp

Archery Canada’s High performance Dev and Identification Teams will be conducting a training camp at Peel Archery Club on Feb 1st and 2nd 2020, The range will not be closing and members are welcome to come and shoot. There will be Higher than Normal numbers of Archers and shooting disruptions are expected for camp activities. More details will Posted as they become Known.

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Target League Night

Target League Night


Peel Archery Target League Night!

Format: 300 FITA Round at 18m with 40cm targets (3 spot or full).

We will start warming up at 7pm and scoring at 7:30. After the round, archers will shoot in a head-to-head match elimination format. 

This is for fun and all archers are encouraged to sign up. 

For Peel Archery Club members only. If you're a non-member who would like to join the league night, please reach out to the organizer before signing up.

Contact events@peelarchery.ca with questions.

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